06 November 2009

Watch out Dublin, here I come!

I have confirmed, paid, and registered. It's official!

After months of meetings, petitions, letters, phone calls, applications, interviews, and waiting, it has finally happened. As of 15 January 2009 I will be en-route to spend a semester studying in Dublin, Ireland through NYU's Tisch School of the Arts! I even have a one-way plane ticket in my name.

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am the spokes person for anti-blogs because I can never keep myself interested in something long enough to stay committed. But that, my dear friends, is about to change! So, I Emily Ventker, am hereby declaring Operation Shamerock a GO. This is going to be my one-stop travel-guide to everything and anything, from New York to Ireland and back.

I'm missing a class with one of the producers from SNL to go to my Pre-Departure Orientation next week, so I'll do my best to keep things going until then.

BTDubs... I think that Elise summed it all up perfectly: "You're going to fucking meet Gerard Butler and get married. I hate you."



Abby Wilkinson said...

Why "Operation Shamerock" and not "Operation Shamrock"? Are you embarrassed to be blogging about marrying Gerard and having his babies?


em ventker said...

um I will never be embarrassed about marrying Gerard and having his babies! ... blogging is a different story...