04 December 2009

It's that time of year again...

... and no, I don't mean Christmas -- well I do, because Christmas is amazeballz -- finals have officially started. Call on the all-nighters, triple shot cappuccinos, eye concealer, messy hair, and beautifully crafted (or bullshitted) stories!

On top of the work, I'm getting together all of my Ireland paperwork and officially coming to terms with the fact that I leave in 39 days. Three. Nine. Thirty-Nine. Holy crap. I am not ok with this. Well I am, because Dublin is going to kick-ass, but I'm not because it'll mean I'm leaving home for a full six months. I haven't been away from New York for that long since I've moved here, and it definitely is weirding me out... oy.

I might be bald by the 18th, but at least the semester will be over.


1 comment:

Abby Wilkinson said...


you used it! i have infultrated your thoughts and words. VICTORY IS MINE!