20 January 2010

Bray, Ireland

So Luca, John, Dan, Kerry, Emma, Jaime and I decided to take our first adventure out of lovely City Centre (An Lar, as it is in Irish) and took the DART about 45 minutes to this absolutely beautiful town called Bray.

Susanne (our Director) told us in a paraphrase that there were ice cream parlors, lots of amusements, and a big hill with a cross at the top. And, in our typical fashion, we didn’t hit a single one of those things. We got into town late in the afternoon, and being a sea side town, not a whole lot of anything was open. We never got ice cream, the amusements were closed, and we only managed to get half way up the hill. BUT - it was still absolutely incredible. I don’t think that I have ever seen a view like that, of the cliffs on the water with such a small town in the distance.

I think it’s finally hitting me that I’m definitely not in New York any more.


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