22 April 2010

Oh how you couldn't be more wrong ...

Now, I will be the first to admit that I am a logical, reason based, pragmatist at heart. Ask almost anyone. However, my creative side tends to be my more prominent personality trait, thus why I go to art school. So, much to my disbelief, I took an internship quiz online today (Jaime and I thought it would be good craic) to see what would be my ideal job and, needless to say, I was THOROUGHLY amused at my results.

Introverted?! SERIOUSLY?! Do they know me?!
Check it out!

Here's what we learned about you:

You value an internship in an organization that serves others through knowledge. You need leaders who appreciate your desire to help others to become more rational.

Your interests indicate:

  • You like to analyze objects using your highly developed independent thinking skills to create new knowledge or use existing knowledge.
  • You are technically proficient and oriented towards science.
  • You have strong academic skills and are seen by others as scholarly and often introverted.

The best internship experience for you is one that is "Bottom-line" focused and results-oriented

The best internship environment for you.

You may enjoy work environments that are active and driven towards an end that brings value to the organization. You may be drawn to internship environments that promote friendly competition among peers and reward associates based on performance. You want to be recognized for your contributions and praised for the value you offer.

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