05 October 2010

Glee: Stop Ruining Good Music!

The more I watch Glee, the more is aggravates me, and tonight's episode only helped fuel my disappointment. This week's after school special was focused on the ever tricky subject that is religion. Now, I give them props for even trying to cover the topic, it's a risky one that can backlash in an instant if not done well. So, how did it fare? In my opinion, not so well.

I have become continuously more irritated with the "here's our theme for the week so let's shove it down your throat" concept since the Back-9 episodes premiered last spring, and it seems to be getting perpetually worse. I appreciate a little consistency, and mathematically it would be assumed that I would love this episode (they did sing 2 of my favorite songs), however ...........

let's rehash:
Only The Good Die Young -- Puck, I love you and I think you're gorgeous, HOWEVER, you just butchered Billy. I mean butchered. The beat and the pacing was all wrong, his voice was no where close to competeing with Billy's rough beautiful, and the over all introduction of the song was pathetic, lame, and contrived.
Papa Can You Hear Me -- Rachel. You are not Babs. You will never be Babs. Get over yourself and stop ruining her music, especially songs from Yentil.
I Want To Hold Your Hand -- I don't tend to support Beatles covers, but I thought that Kurt did a wonderful job. The flashback images of an identicle baby Kurt playing with Papa Hummel didn't hurt.
I Look To You -- Mercedes, that was actually a beautiful cover. Clap on the back.
Bridge Over Troubled Water -- NO NO NO NO NO. That song is slow and painstackingly poignant for a reason. It is two men and a piano for a reason. That is one of the only songs in the world that it will never be OK to cover. NEVER.
What If God Was One Of Us -- Actually, this one wasn't too bad. It was catchy, I'd listen to it on my iPod. And Mike Chang had more screen time, so I was happy.

The only moments that saved the episode involved one Sue Sylvester, primarily because I am putty in her hands when she has moments of pure emotion. The plot with her sister is wonderful, and the times when She shows true compassion are gorgeous.

A friend of mine wrote a really killer link for Death and Taxes, and lately, I can't help but agree with her. Has Glee already seen it's hay day?

Oh, and my top 5 songs, if I had to choose?
1. Thousands Are Sailing - The Pogues
2. Only The Good Die Young - Billy Joel
3. Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel
4. Losing My Religion - REM
5. For Emily, Where Ever I May Find Her - Simon and Garfunkel


Oh, and PS: My friend at work just sent me this link, and I think it's amazing...

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