09 November 2010

Glee: That's More Like It!

I know, I've become known as a Glee Basher as of late, and that's completely fair. But this week, I am whistling a different tune. Why, you might ask? Because Glee actually did something right.

I don't know how often they switch up the writers, but whoever writes the non-preachy episodes should get a raise. You see, that's become my main gripe about the show - that it is too much of an afternoon special knocking the audience over the head with a message (ie. "I'm in a funk. Don't you like funk? Give up the funk.").

Tonight's episode really showed more of Kurt and hit on current events that are so important right now. Everything really touched on the topic of bullying and how it can play out in all different medians, and, to top it off? The music was unrelated. They sang songs to sing songs, and they were beautiful.

I really don't think I can find one thing to really harp on in the entire episode, and that is no small feat. My roommate will be the first to tell you that I like to pick, prod, judge, and critique just about everything I watch and read, so, this just might be a first.


1 comment:

Todd said...

Mmmhmmm, a pleasant way of putting what a refreshingly pleasant experience this weeks episode was.