31 December 2010

It's been a long December...

You must have heard of the BLIZZARD that struck the east coast this past week. Well, I'm still down in good 'ole Virginia where we got a record snow fall -- a whopping 14.5 inches in the city of Virginia Beach. Apparently it was the 3rd largest snow fall in the history of the area. It also happened to be my first White Christmas. What do ya know - a week later and it's 60 degrees out. Go figure, Southland.

That being said, things have been insane. And by insane I mean movie-filled...

The Tourist: Entertaining. Very reminiscent of To Catch A Thief/old thriller movies. If nothing else, the clothes were fabulous.
Salt: Also entertaining. Full of twists and turns. Semi-predictable.
Inception: Seen it. Blogged about it earlier. Still enjoyable, but still not intelligent.
Knight and Day: I laughed. I like Tom Cruise, I'll be honest. And I've officially decided that the trailers for the movie really were horrible.
Adam's Rib: An oldie and a goodie. The dialog is just wonderful. I could die a happy watching a Spencer/Katharine movie.
Four Christmases: Now, I love Vince Vaughn and I love Reese Witherspoon, but it was just god awful.
I Hate Valentine's Day: The only thing worse than a bad chick-flick is a bad chick-flick that takes itself seriously.

On that note, here's to the new year. Welcome 2011. Here's to hoping you're better than the last.


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