26 January 2011

Black Swan's Visual Effects

I had a lot of issues with Black Swan, that goes without saying. But I also hold a great appreciation for the film on a visual level. Story aside, it's really stunning, in my opinion. I was slightly confused as to why the film got completely side swiped by the Academy ... until I realized that all of the key images were graphically enhanced. Check it out:


Sami Johnson said...

Ha, I personally really liked the movie (granted i am not trained in screen writing), loved the effects - great clip you found :) i was curious how they got it to look like Natalie Portman was actually going on point..

em ventker said...

Oh yeah, I thought the entire thing was really stunning, the party and dance scenes, especially. Absolutely gorgeous to watch! It was so weird though how they just did head transplants, but really awesome at the same time.

Unknown said...

It was similar in The Social Network as well (with the twins). Armie Hammer's head transplant on random actor rather than Lohan style in the Parent Trap remake.

technology is weeiiirrrd.