09 March 2011

Big Apple or Golden Coast?

Lately it seems to feel like time is spinning on this rotating dial, constantly reminding me that my childhood is quickly dwindling into a thing of the past. I've just had my last midterm critique of my art school education and the calendar keeps reminding me that commencement is just around the corner. But what comes next? What is the logical course of action?

I have come to call New York my home, I've even vowed that I will never leave, and yet the more I look for jobs the more I am led towards LA. Is the move worth it? After applying to eight - yes eight - jobs at various production companies in Burbank and Santa Monica, the idea slowly began to grow on me. I began furiously checking Craig's List and the LA Times for real estate quotes and I did the math on how much gas would cost; I could rent a house for what I pay per month ... in Brooklyn.

It went without saying that the cost of living was lower out in La-La Land, but at what price? What about my life back home, where does it all go?

I then couldn't help but wonder, is the industry really only one sided? Is one side of the coin better than the other?

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