01 August 2010

Shouldn't our President, oh, I don't know ... be in his office or doing work?

I like Obama - for the most part - I'd be lying if I said otherwise. I went to a freaking rally in Union Square on Election Night for crying out loud. But seriously? SERIOUSLY? He could take the time to hang out on a talk show but he can't go down to the boarders to help figure things out? I would be also lying if I said that I hated The View. Quite the contrary, actually. I even spent every morning last summer watching the freaking show! But still ...

I get that he has to keep up public appearances and make nice with the media, get a good face out there, yada yada yada. I get it. But there are a lot of things going on in our country right now that are a hell of a lot more important than his public image.

I don't have a solution for the boarder problem or the oil spill or the war. I don't know what needs to happen to fix things because whatever is going on in Arizona is unethical and obviously not working. But something needs to happen. Something needs to be done, and I'm pretty positive that our Commander in Chief chatting it up with the Chatty Four isn't it.


1 comment:

Santiago said...

Title: "Shouldn't our President, oh, I don't know ... be in his office?"

Post"...he can't go down to the boarders to help figure things out?"

So should he be in his office or down at the border? I'm confused! haha