28 October 2010

The Rocky Horror GLEE Show

Can someone please, for the love of Pete, tell me what is going on with Glee?This week's episode was just ... just ... I am at a loss for words. A literal loss for words. And that's saying something. I'm freaking opinionated!

Jezebel says it perfectly, in my opinion.

And if you don't want to read, this picture says it all:

There were only two highlights of the entire episode (and this is coming from a Rocky Horror fan):
1. Mr. Shue being shirtless - simply because I like to objectify men (as the Cheerios do to the guys in this episode) and stare at pretty things.
2. Uncle Jesse singing - this could have only been improved by a cameo of Brian Wilson ... and the Olsen Twins.

Thoughts on Tuesday night's episode?



Lindsey said...

It makes me sad how down on Glee you've gotten. It's not supposed to be serious, it's supposed to be silly and ridiculous, which is what Rocky Horror Glee was.

em ventker said...

I mean, I appreciate that it's supposed to be ridiculous - and I actually enjoyed the Duet episode - but really, this episode didn't actually have a plot AND I am slightly (a lot) peeved that they changed "Transexual Transylvania" to "Sensual Transylvania" - what was the point? It that a scandalous word some how?